Well the most popular question used to be is it a girl or a boy but now the question I get most often now is when are you due. I guess my big belly looks like it should be ready to pop any day. To start with those 2 questions it is a girl (so each and every ultrasound tech has told us) and I am technically due 5 weeks from Friday on Dec 12, 2008. Our OB has already told us she will induce me at 39 weeks (God bless her soul) as long as everything looks good with the baby. I'm 99.9% positive I will take her up on this offer. That puts us at Dec. 5th for delivery. So we are going with that date and come Friday we will have 4 weeks left.
So the name game...this took some thought! My first one I knew in high schools what I would name her... Emma Lyn... I fell in love with the name Emma when I got a stuffed bunny rabbit named Emma and Lyn is my middle name and a family name so before Emma was made oh so popular by Rachel on Friends I had it picked out for my little girl. This baby was not quite as easy. Will's father passed when Will was still in high school so he had always wanted to name his child Taylor or some configuration of the name. So I had that to work with and then from there it was fair game. At first I wanted to do Taylyn or Taylee to include the family name and well lets just say we went through a ton of names. We even bought one of those Baby name books and searched on the web trying to find a name. We didn't have much luck making a decision. Then as I began to think of how to include family I realized our moms have the same middle name...Jean...now I don't care for this name at all but I did like the ring of Taylor Jane...Jean just rearranged. When I heard the name I just knew as long as WIll agreed thats what it would be. Now some have tried to sway me into a different name but for whatever reason Taylor Jane has stuck with me and that shall be her name!
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