So I figure why waste any time? I should just get busy writing tutorials right?
So a little back story...when I found out I was prego with T, I decided we would cloth diaper, I would make all the diapers and I would be a better person for it! I bought everything I needed including a Serger (OK my dad bought that for me) but I bought PUL, Fold Over Elastic, Velcro, Snaps...the whole nine yards (Literally I am sure I bought well over 9 yards of fabric). At any rate I later decided that I didn't have to be a better person and it was just too much. I purchased some cloth diapers from a local friend, Goldie at Butzie Covers and I bought a bunch of G Diapers. In order to fund the purchase of all these cloth diapers and g's, I sold some items that were pricey. I didn't sell everything, I hung on to the Fold Over Elastic (here on out we will refer to it as FOE). I knew I would make something with it some day! (today is that day)
So I have a trendy friend at work, that came in one day with a super cute hair tie that she just "loved". She explained how it didn't leave that famous "pony tail crease" in your hair and well it was just a must have accessory. Of course the craftaholic in me took one look and said "how much did you pay for that?" I'm pretty sure her response was so outrageous I quickly dismissed it because well it was outrageous. So I said (like I way too often say) "I can make that! No I really can I have the FOE at home!" Don't believe me that the price is outrageous take a peak here...Trendy Shop
Before you start gather your materials...
(or as we go...if you work like I do!!)
Scissors...not the crappy kitchen scissors these bad boys need to be sharp
FOE...I bought my original stash from a yahoo group buy but I just purchased more from an Etsy shop ElasticByTheYard reasonable prices and super easy to work with.
Lighter...not mandatory but I'm a ribbon junkie and I hate frayed edges! can do it without a ruler if you can't find one.
STEP 1: I start by measuring my FOE, I have found 10-13 inches works best. It really depends on the angle of the cut on the end and how much you leave as a tail after the knot. If you don't have a ruler, wrap the FOE around your wrist and leave a few extra inches, I know your thinking how do I know what a few inches looks like I don't have a ruler.
Just leave a little extra to allow you to tie it.
STEP 1 |
STEP 2: I like to cut my ends differently each time, probably because I don't like to commit to one style!
You can cut them straight or at varying angles! I just suggest you cut both ends the same, for a more professional look.
STEP 2 |
STEP 3: Then I take a lighter to the ends to give them a quick singe/seal. pics of this step because lets face it I would easily burn the house down if I tried to take a pic.
STEP 4: Then decide what side you want to "show" I usually go with the shiny side. Leave the soft plush padded side on the inside. Fold the piece of FOE in half and line up the ends.
STEP 4 (shiny side out) |
STEP 4 (with ends lined up) |
STEP 5: After everything is lined up tie a knot. There is no wrong way just try not to pull on the actual ends or it will encourage fraying.
STEP 5 (the knot before I pull it tight) |
I pull...and pull... and pull some more trying to avoid the very edge, please keep in mind I am taking these pics myself. Why don't I ask the hubs to help?? He is far too busy on the couch watching what sounds like a man film with cars squealing and men cursing!
STEP 5 (I'm pulling by holding close to the knot) |
STEP 5 (knot is still to big...pull) |
STEP 5 (knot looks nice and tight) |
Once you pull it tight that really is the end of it. Go ahead put it in and see what you think!
My Model |
Lots of the "cool kids" are wearing them as bracelets also not just hair ties!